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 8 NOVEMBER 2013



Few words about...

"Circa" art magazine about Oliver Whelan


“The paintings that form Oliver Whelan’s Temple Bar exhibition fall into two distinct, even diametrically opposed categories. All are made on sheets of paper of uniform size and format, and mounted on wood. One group is painted in acrylic and consists of single, representational images. The other is painted in oil and consists of pairs of quarters of abstract images, organize in modular partnerships – modular because they are essentially interchangeable, all over compositions.
The representational paintings are meticulous, close to monochromatic records of textured surfaces, depicted in what appears to be almost macroscopic detail. In fact they look as if they might well be considerable enlargements of fragments views of the surfaces of the abstract painting, in which tiny ridges and furrows of pigment come to resemble the major physical structure of landscape.
So on the one hand we have works that exemplify painting as a process of depiction, and on the other work that exemplify painting as enactment. In the former that technique is devoted to making itself invisible in the service of representational image, in the latter the process of each painting making become the image. That much in self evident from a cursory look at the show, but the juxtaposition, also suggests that the difference
between them isn’t as clear-cut as it might seem”


Review over Oliver Whelan works from “Circa” magazine 

"Fighting spirit" reflection over Marcin Kowalik


"What struck me immediately when I first saw the work of Marcin Kowalik was the fantastic vibrancy of his work. On show in Dublin on a cold February evening his paintings were a ray of sunshine biting into the Winter breeze. His work is not Irish, but the Irish and Polish have something special in common, a fighting spirit, a uniqueness even stubbornness. It is with this in mind that I look forward to the troika of exhibitors, Marcin Kowalik, Tommy Barr and Oliver Whelan in Warsaw on a cold November evening."


by Niall Geoghegan about M.Kowalik "Mirror Phase", first on the left

"Duch Walki" refleksja na temat Marcina Kowalika, Niall Geoghegan


"To co udezylo mnie od razu w tworczosci Marcina Kowalika, bylo bogactwo kolorow w jego pracach. Podczas otwarcia wystawy w Dublinie podczas zimnego lutegowego wieczoru 2013 roku jego obrazy byly jak promien slonca przedzierajacy sie przez zimne powietrze Dublina. Jego tworczosc nie jest irlandzkia, ale polsko-Irlandzka posiadajaca bardzo wyjatkowe, wspolne cech takie jak ducha walki, unikalnosc i zacietosc. Majac pryzmat wystawy prac Kowalika z Dublina w pamieci czekam na kolejna wystawe trojki artystow Marcina Kowalika, Tommy Barra i Olivera Whelana w Warszawie, podczas zimnego listopadowego wieczoru, ktora przedrze sie tecza przez zimne opary powietrza w Warszawie."

Reflection over Tommy Barr “'Indigenous' identity”

“The painting of Tommy Barr reflects on the history of Ireland and its people. It shows the beauty and the richness of the island's cultural heritage and points to the ways in which space can affect artists. Whilst exploring the ancient dolmens of Aughrim and Srahwee, Tommy Barr alludes to the complex interweaving of the past and the present, and suggests that we are constantly shaped and influenced by history. I thought his works were an excellent example of the persistence of memory and 'indigenous' identity, and could be viewed as an interesting commentary on contemporary Irish national identity. “


by Ewa Stanczyk, , PhD , Polish Studies (University
of Manchester ) and BSL/BESS Poland coordinator about Tommy Barr


"Tubylcza tozsamosc" refleksje na temat tworczosci Tommy Barra, dr Ewa Stanczyk (Uniwesytet w Manchester) coordynator na Trinity Collage Dublin 


"Malarstwo Tommy Barra skupia sie na refleksji dotyczacej Historii Irlandii oraz jej rodowitych mieszkancow. Wyraza piekno i bogata tradycje wyspy oraz dotyka problematykiwyrazajacej to jaki wplyw na artyste ma miejsce jego rezydentury. Odkrywajac antyczne dolmen Aughrim i Srahwee, Tommy Barr robi aluzje do skomplikowanej plataniny przeszlosci i terazniejszosci, sugeruje, ze jestesmy caly czas ksztaltowni przez historie i ulegamy jej ciaglym wplywom. Uwazam, ze jego prace sa wspanialym przykladem opornosci pamieci i “tubylczej tozsamosci”, jest rowniez doskonalym komentarzem wspolczesnej irlandzkiej tozsamosci narodowej."

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